Hain sitten uudestaan, maksoin maksun UUDESTAAN ja menin haastatteluun paremmin valmistautuneena. Ne hylkäs sen taas ja tällä kertaa sanoivat että oon hakenut väärää viisumia! Siis ihan oikeesti, come on! Mä nimenomaan soitin niille ennen sitä ja kysyin erikseen et pitäskö mun hakea sitä J viisumia mut ei ne voineet vahvistaa mitään... Konsuli olis tietty voinu ekassa haastattelussa sanoa jotain siitä väärästä viisumi kategoriasta...
Siis aivan uskomatonta! Siihen mennessä ku oon hakenut J viisumia, oon käyttänyt melkeen 500€ pelkästään siihen et saan maahan meno luvan! Uskomatonta!
On ollu aika haastavaa pitää ajatukset poissa kaikest tost paskasta mitä on tapahtunu samaan aikaan. Olishan se kivaa olla innokkaana odottamassa sitä päivää ku lähen. Mulle se ei oo ollut sellasta. Niin kauan ku mulla ei oo sitä viisumia, mun täytyy olla henkisesti varautunu siihen että ehkä joudunkin vaan luovuttamaan ja hyväksymään sen et matka on peruttu.
Asiaa ei auttanut se, että viimisen haastattelun jälkeen multa leikattiin yks viisauden hammas pois. Se tehtiin kirurgisesti joten oon ollut tän viikon kokonaan pois töistä. Monilt mun ikäsiltä otetaan viisaudenhampaat pois joten varmasti joku haluaa tietää millast se oli. JÄRKYTTÄVÄÄ! Sattus ihan älyttömästi...
Porukat oli mökillä vappuna niin pidin kavereiden kanssa pienet juhlat kotona. Otettiin paljon kuvia ni annan niiden puhua puolestaan.
Salla ja Kristjan saivat "uuden lelun" eilen ni olin heti testaamassa sitä. Naurettiin niin kovaa et pelkäsin et mun tikit repee x'DD
I gotta tell you. Life hasn't been easy on me lately... I've overcome tons of problems along the way planning the trip to the USA but I never would have thought that one of the biggest problems was gonna be the visa... As most of you already knew, I applied for B1 / B2 tourist and business visa, paid the visa fee (160$) and went to the interview, or interrogation as I like to call it. They refused my application cause they didn't believe that I'm not going to work in America for money. Well, I thought that I could go for three months with visa waiver program BUT you can't do that if you've had a refusal from a visa earlier.
So I applied again, paid the visa fee AGAIN and went to the interview prepared. They refused it again saying that I was applying a wrong kind of visa! I mean like come on! I specifically called them earlier and checked if B1/B2 was the right kind of visa but they didn't confirm anything... The consul could have said something about the visa category...
Can you believe it? By the time I've applied for the J visa, I've spent almost 500$, and all that just to get the permission to enter the country! Just unbelievable!
Parents were in Suomusjärvi during First of May so I had a little party at our place. I got lot of photos so I'll let them speak for themselves.
Salla and Kristjan got a "new toy" last night and I was at their place to try it out. We laughted so hard that I was worried that my stitches were gonna tear!! x'DD
Ei meistä millään saa normaali kuvaa xD / There's not a chance of getting a normal picture of us xD |
The next pictures were taken from Salo river but not from the city sigh, these are from the country side. When local people hear "Salo river", not so good pictures comes to their minds. In the city, the river is all filthy and there's buildings and bridges and all that other city shit around it. Well, in the country side the river is beutiful! There's fishermen fishing every week, there's actually a proper flow which you can see and hear hitting the bare, round rocks. "River beach" as we like to call it is very beutiful and unique place where I like to go when I need relaxing. It's really very therapeutic to hear the river flow and peaceful silence.
I like to take the dogs with me but sometimes it's not so good idea when they choose to go their own routes :D |
edellis talvi / previous winter |
edellis talvi / previous winter |
viime kesä / last summer |
viime kesä / last summer |
Laitoin tän kuvan mun huoneen oveen ku toi on ku tehty musta :D / I taped this picture on my door cause it's like made for me :D |